Tent and Event direct-fired enclosed-flame Heaters
Tent or Event Heaters are direct-fired heaters, but unlike construction or “salamander” direct-fired heaters, there is no open flame. The heating chamber is house in a cabinet. Unlike indirect-fired heaters (like a home furnace that burns gas in an enclosed heat burner using outside oxygen and exhaust), tent heaters do use room oxygen, but the combustion is also in a chamber, just not exhausted. These units are perfect heating tents and not-fully airtight spaces (some interchange with outside air) and are ductable. Tent heaters can be used to provide economical heat or simple air circulation. They can be used inside, or the heat can be ducted in from the outside. Select from LP or easy-to-switch dual fuel models. Equpmentland is a dealer for more than one line.
Contact us to help identify the correct size and quantity of heaters for your event.